Legal Notice
- Owner
Company name: PRIMCO SARL
Address: Route de Jussy 35, 1226 Thônex, Switzerland
Phone: +41 78 623 21 00
IDE No : CHE-154.852.312
VAT number: CHE-154.852.312
E-mail address:
- Responsible for publication
Mr Pierre-Yves Rollin
- Website creation
mac S.O.S. /
- Site host
Infomaniak /
- Information / limitation of liability
The PRIMCO SARL website is intended for general information purposes only. It should not be regarded as technical advice, nor as the basis for any specific action or decision. Users of the website should seek specific technical advice before taking any action concerning the subjects covered therein. Nothing on this website should be construed as creating a provider-client relationship or providing technical advice on any specific matter.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this web site, PRIMCO SARL assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the content of this web site or for the results of its use.
- Copyrights
All materials, including photographs, drawings and publications that are part of the PRIMCO SARL website are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights and all rights remain with the rights holder.
The unauthorized reproduction, distribution or retransmission of the material contained in the PRIMCO SARL website is strictly prohibited.
- Electronic mail
Please note that all e-mail communications are neither secure nor confidential, and may be subject to technical or operational interference. PRIMCO SARL cannot guarantee a prompt response to requests and/or instructions received by e-mail and will not assume any liability for breach of confidentiality due to e-mail communication.
Chêne-Bourg, May 2023